Created in 1803, Tanneries Roux initially produced sole leathers.
Through several centuries of intermittent adjustments, transformations and investments, Tanneries Roux have finely honed their skills to become one of the most reputable names, recognised by French and international establishments alike.
As the only surviving tannery in Romans-sur-Isère, home to leather and shoes, we opted for quality and innovation in meeting the requirements of our customers. We steered our production explicitly towards the leather goods, watch strap and shoe sectors.
Full grain supple leathers with minimal coating are the hallmark of our expertise. From Polo, Mojau, Angelo and Cordero through to Briolili, Eversnow and Tradition, our skins produce exquisite items
Our R&D laboratory is always on the lookout for new processes and technologies and offers not only two new collections per year, but also customised developments—an innovative and creative offering.
With our time-tested expertise and fitted out with 100 embossing plates, an inkjet printing machine and state-of-the-art machines, we combine the different processes, textures, finishes and colours to enable our customers to express themselves through our bespoke products.
Above and beyond exclusive orders, our sales personnel is also on hand in our store, where you can browse through a true treasure trove of hides.
2 Avenue Bruno Larat - BP 66,
26102 ROMANS SUR ISERE CEDEX - 04 75 02 22 29
- info@tanneries-roux.com